Q-Art Gallery Event Collateral 
建行布里斯班分行開業, Q-Art 畫展設計

The ideas for event logo
1. Ansai Yaogu (安塞腰鼓)
Yaogu is one of the common topic of Shaanxi folk arts.
The shape of yaogu is very similar to the letter "Q"
Q 的形状跟陝西腰鼓神似既符合陝西民俗画的特色,也兼顾 Queensland 及 秦(陝西的古稱)的主题。
Yaogu with China Construction Bank Logo
Yaogu with Mudan (Rock's peony)
Mudan Flower - Symbal of Wealth & Luxury
Yaogu from one of the folk art
Yaogu with Chinese Character "Qin"
Yaogu with Chinese Character "Qin"
Yaogu with Pumpkin (folk art style)

The letter "Q"
The letter "Q" does not just stand for Queensland but also short for Qin, the ancient name for Shaanxi.
Here we fill the grains in the shape of Q to illustrate the fertility of both Queensland & Shaanxi produce.
字母 Q 除了是 Qin (秦) 陝西的古稱之外,也是 Queensland 的 Q。
用 Q 的外框來呈現豐收的穀物。陝西民俗畫多以穀物豐收為主題,加上昆士蘭州也是作物豐產的州,不謀而合。
Pattern of grains
Pumpkin (folk art style)
Q with Pumpkin
Corn (folk art style)
Corn (folk art style)
Corn Pattern
Q with Corn Pattern
Snapshots - 活動剪影

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